

Joined Feb 2023 0 Following1 Followers
  • @cu-na-saoirse

    What can I say about JwBVoicework? Well, it's fairly straight forward. Or is it? When I took on JwBVoicework
    , I was looking for voice actors for a project for FNV, linked at the bottom, when JwBVoicework
    approached me with interest in my project. I took them on and I was astounded by the work they had done for me. With cocky, sounding characters rushing into their doom to small-time criminals going graverobbing, and their fast work pace to their stellar, no, beyond amazing work for such a small, simple role. To make things even better, when I needed several roles filled ASAP, they were able to adabt and overcome the challenge of voicing several characters at once. A feat that is in rare supply these days. They were a fine addition to the team I scrounged together and highly recommend their services to anyone they approach in the future. I look forward to future cooperation with JwBVoicework
    , and hope that they feel the same. :)

    Proof of work received:

  • @betalille

    Working with JwBVoicework was a pleasure. The role I gave him was perfectly filled in, the voice-acting was great, and the lines were sent in a timely manner. Recommended!
