

Joined Jan 2021 0 Following0 Followers
About johnnybels

Hi! You can call me Johnny or Bella, and while I'm fairly new to doing this all professionally, I definitely have a passion for it. "It," in this case, being a whole variety of things.

I've been doing music and art (mainly character design) for nearly a decade now, though I've only the past three years branched out into composing and creating characters for published projects. I've directed about a half dozen small things - mainly group projects at school - and while I have no formal training with it, I have been told I'm particularly good at helping communicate between performers and creators (is that just, like, assistant directing? I don't know.) Voice acting and video/audio editing are the newest things for me - I've only done any voice acting for about six months now, and video/audio editing for about a year. I have very basic equipment, but I've learned to do quite a lot with it, and I'm still learning more every time I open up a project.

Last things - I'm nonbinary, so I don't mind what gender I'm cast as if I'm voice acting. I'm also white, which means that I will never be comfortable voicing a character of color, to the point of it being a dealbreaker for me. 

Thanks for reading and/or considering my audition! You can message me on here for my Discord, or reach me on tumblr at personfullofplotholes.