Jasper Whitlock

Jasper Whitlock

Joined Jan 2024 5 Following6 Followers
  • @V3mp1d6sh

    good submission definitely going to be a good VA

  • @l-brick-studios

    I had the opportunity to work with Jasper on the third episode of my most recent project LEGO: Marvel Ragnarök and despite it being a more minor role she absolutely gave it her all! 

    Her performance carried the weight and emotion necessary in order to do her part justice and I was beyond impressed. Jasper has proven to be an incredibly well mannered and respectful individual with incredible talent. 

    Very good at keeping an open line of communication and very willing do whatever is asked of her enthusiastically and with genuine interest. I would happly recommend her to anyone looking for a female voice of any kind and I am most eager to hopefully be able to work with Jasper again in future.