

I'm here to provide content that allows for everyone to voice act and to provide my voice in unique ways to fit client needs.

Joined Jul 2021 4 Following5 Followers
About JakeDobosh

I am a current student at the University of Tampa studying to become a filmmaker. With that I also wish to become a voice actor as well. I have a passion for being in character, my favorite voice impression to do is Optimus Prime. I want to become well recognized and well respected in this field and I think lending my voice via Casting Call Club is a great place to start.


I do not charge as of now.  I am still too inexperienced and not recognized enough to even begin to discuss payment for my services.  If a project does make money though, I do ask for me to be considered when figuring out where to place the revenue, and if a project becomes so big and my voice is integral to it, I will ask to negotiate a contract in order to receive compensation for my talents.

What JakeDobosh is looking for

I'm mainly looking to voice act, however I will do whatever is asked of me.