Jackson Maxwell
Jackson Maxwell
@jackathanjonesA literal Jack of All Trades.
Hi! I'm Jackson (he/they) and I've been a voice actor (mainly on the local scene) for about 8 years now, but I've been training in stage acting for the last 15 years. I'm currently a Lead Coach for the Las Vegas Chapter of the Arizona Voice Acting Guild! I very much look forward to working with you!
I've been a part of the AVAG for about four years now. They specialize in ADR style dub work, but promote theatrical nuance, mic etiquette, equipment and software training, and hard volunteer work that benefits the community. We also have a chapter in Arizona, and now Los Angeles! We've worked with voice actors like Zack Maher (@MajinZelpher of Epithet Erased fame) and Stephan Watson (@ThatBackflipGuy), so we like to think we're pretty good. Don't be afraid to ask for more information!
I took multiple classes revolving around character acting, musical timing, and stage performance.
- For Private/Personal Projects: $15.00 USD/line of scripted dialogue (pending script review)
- For School Projects: $10/line of scripted dialogue (pending script review)
- For Commercial Work: $3/word
To be honest, I have a lot of ambition to work in the field of cartoons. I'm trained in ADR style voice acting, so anime is a huge influence. Who knows! Maybe you'll see me headlining a con one day.