Heya Gamers! My Name is Jace.
I Voice Act in tons of projects, though I mostly favor horror games. My rates are very flexible, Sometimes I do free voice acting sometimes i'll steal all your money lol, It generally depends on the size of the project (average rates are: $0.25 per word, $20 minimum) Feel free to contact me if you need a voice actor! I love to help where I can!
For collaboration purposes or anything voice acting related contact me on: [redacted]
My Discord: jacegames. or Not Jace Games#1426
Need a voice actor? Well I love to help in any and all projects that may need a voice actor! My range is incredibly wide so if theres a role you need filled I may be able to help out. From silly old men to studious villains I hope you consider me for your next project.
$2.50USD Per Line or $0.25 Per Word
To voice in Video Games and Indie/Main Stream Animations. (I always enjoy a good horror project)