Hudson Harris
Hudson Harris
@hudsonharrisvaFreelance Voice Actor from Canada! What I lack in circular education I make up for in passion!
Hi there! My name is Hudson Harris, I'm 25 years old and I hail from the rural country of Ontario, Canada! I'm currently an up-and-coming voice actor just trying to get my enthusiastic career off the ground! If you need me for a project, feel free to contact my email or reach out to me on Discord: hudsonharrisva
I am not familiar with pricing and what is considered "fair" but I'm more than willing to start cheap and raise things higher the more experience I get!
Anything that requires a masculine-sounding voice, but bonus if it's in a fantasy/military type setting!
In addition, I'll be especially happy to take part in any project related to any of these following fandoms:
- Five Night's At Freddy's
- Undertale/Deltarune
- Skullgirls
- Happy Tree Friends
- The SCP Foundation
- My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
- And perhaps some others that don't spring to mind immediately as the previous ones mentioned!
Hudson went above and beyond with our project. Giving us more than we asked for in terms of voice lines and audio mixing. Which we appreciate a lot. He also did a great job implementing our critiques and changes to the voice he auditioned with.