K-VA Studios

K-VA Studios

Gacha Tuber Fr

Joined Jan 2021 7 Following1 Followers
About K-VA Studios


Hello you beautiful people! I'm Director K, Gacha Tuber of 4 years and I'm thrilled to have you join me along my direction journey! I would like to start off by saying that I'm so glad you have an interest in voice acting and so do I along with many other enjoyable activities. My job here is to set reminder themes and make comedies, horrors, and things people enjoy watching. 

Before we go any further into this, I should probably notify you of some things, so check it out.


  • On this channel, in our group discord will be used for almost everything so if you have any intention of auditioning, please note that you must have a discord account I can connect to you with.

  • Announcements will always be sent in the discord server, so if you intend of getting notified of important things, please take note that they will only ever be announced on discord. If anything happened, I would notify you elsewhere.

  • Auditions are monitored thoroughly and there will always be rules informing the auditioner on how they must submit their audition so there should be no need for concern if they aren't chosen.

All other rules will be addressed in the server.