

I have a DEEP voice and a GOOD mic.That's about it.I'm getting better I promise.

Joined Sep 2024 0 Following1 Followers
About Harshbrown

My stomach churns and GROWLS and HUNGERS for the satisfaction that can only be achieved through becoming mediocre at voice over...

I am a student exploring a new hobby that I hope will grow into real experience and opportunities in the voice over industry. While I have minimal practice so far, I approach each job with a professional mindset to establish myself as a reliable, enthusiastic, and hard-working talent.

At this stage in my journey, I am open to working on small projects for free to gain valuable experience. That said, for larger-scale projects, I do expect some form of compensation to reflect the time and effort required.

Thank you for considering me, and feel free to contact me for business-related inquiries.

Discord: "harshbrown."

What Harshbrown is looking for

My voice-over preference leans toward roles that carry an authoritative, engaging, or storytelling tone. I enjoy projects that allow me to step into a "third-person" context, such as:

  • Narrator

  • Announcer

  • Newscaster

  • Radio Host

  • Trailer Voice

  • Guide Voice

I generally prefer working on original content rather than fan works. I particularly enjoy projects within the analog horror niche, and those that try not to take themselves too seriously. That said. I'm open to considering most projects, and there's always exceptions to my preferences.