@gracierella24601Dedicated actress, singer, director and VA
- B.A. in film (editing emphasis) from one of the top 10 film schools in the U.S.
- 3 years of vocal lessons (Musical Theatre)
- 5 years of theatre/acting courses (secondary school, university level and community-based)
- 2021 Dubbie Award winner for Best Feature Full Dub (Beauty and the Beast)
- 2021 Dubbie Award winner for Best Actress in a Full Dub (Belle, Beauty and the Beast)
- Linh Cinder in "The Lunar Chronicles Audio Drama" (link below)
- Katara in "Katara and the Pirate's Silver":
- Anna in "Frozen II Full Fandub" (reuploaded after director left YouTube):
- Ella in "Cinderella Full Fandub" (link below)
About Me:
ACTING: I have voice acted in several projects, including being cast as Estelle (the protagonist of the original series “The Last Witch”), Katara in Nitwitz’s motion comic from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Anna in Disney Mousey’s dub of Frozen 2, and going so far as to win an award for my portrayal of Belle in a full dub of Beauty and the Beast. My skill comes from my involvement in theater for several years, my education at one of the top 10 film schools in the nation, and my work in the online voice acting community for the past five years. I am a dedicated performer and worker and am known to get my lines in remarkably quickly. I hope to work with you soon!
DIRECTING: I have hosted several full dubs, audio dramas, choral covers, and the like, including a multi-season audio drama called The Lunar Chronicles and full dubs of Beauty and the Beast, Gravity Falls: ScaryOke, Tangled, and Cinderella. The direction, casting, and editing for these projects were helmed by myself and I completed them in a matter of months while also turning out a fantastic project. I have also dabbled in directing choral covers, casting and directing a group cover of “Alexander Hamilton.” I put my heart and soul in my projects, only creating projects which I am very passionate about!
Audio Drama:
The Lunar Chronicles:
Full Dubs:
- Beauty and the Beast:
- Tangled:
- Gravity Falls: Scary-Oke:
- Cinderella Live Action:
A reel showcasing my voice acting range.
I love voice acting and creating passion projects! CCC gives me the opportunity both to audition for projects I find fascinating and to cast projects of my own! Whether it’s in one of your projects or one of mine, I love creating and I hope to work with you soon.