hola hola <3
if you’re reading this, that means you’re probably listening to my amazing, spectacular, groundbreaking, oscar-worthy auditions (or at least i hope you think they’re oscar-worthy…)
all jokes aside, i like: music, a good conversation, and of course, voice acting :D please note that i sometimes take long hiatuses off the website, so if i take a while to respond to any messages you send my way, i apologize, but you can reach me on any of my socials if you’d like! i don’t know how i’m gonna end this long lengthy paragraph, i feel like i’m back in school just writing it, oh bother…
Name: Jerry/Ghostface
Age: 19
Experience: 4 Years (wow time flies)
Voice Range: Any
Availability: Ready for Work 24/7!
Instagram: @lilyeezyysl
Email: [redacted]
Youtube: Lil Yeezy