Hey! If you’ve made it this far towards my fine internet abode, then you've made it to the right place for an awesome time! However, if you’ve stumbled here by accident in search of non-sexual relationship advice, allow me to explain what on Earth is going on…
My name's Nick, and I'm a pretty laid back guy! I do have a quirky sense of humor, and unless you love my favorite pastime of videogames, we're going to have a bad time!
If you've read this far, you're likely wondering why I'm on this site, or what I even do! Well, curious user, I'm currently in college, and have done a variety of work like a business IT tech at Samsung, to making videos for Microsoft, to doing smaller projects for others as well. I love to voice act and I believe that I have a variety of voices that will be useful to you. I've been wanting to get into this field, and hopefully you will give me that chance!