Freaky Beast Entertainment
Freaky Beast Entertainment
@freaky1970's to present day horror cult classic specialist.
I have been in the entertainment industry for many years of my life. I have primarily specialized as a professional radio and commercial personality. As a huge fan of the entertainment field, and horror films, I want to offer my abilities for other like minded people and fans alike to enjoy our works free of charge. I would like to use my skills to offer others not only entertainment, but also the chance to learn a new skill set, show off their talents, and create a resume for their future endeavors. As well I look to provide others with a community to make friends, and share their skills, and work with others. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, we would love to have you jump aboard and join our discord. We look forward to seeing you there!
I due voice acting upon request. I usually agree to the price being offered. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
We reproduce horror cult classic titles from the 1970's to present day. Our goal is to utilize Gmod to create machinima's based from these horror cult classics. Some examples of our projects would include [The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday The 13th, IT].You can join us on Twitch for a behind the scenes look at the filming, and editing process involved in our projects. We also provide teasers and our finished works on our Youtube channel.
Due to our passion for entertainment, and the horror genre, we provide our works free of charge for everyone to enjoy!
The reason for our joining castingcallclub is to primarily obtain voice actors, audio creators, special effects creators, sound effects specialists, people to help with filming and just others that harbor the same interests and love for this amazing industry.