First-Mate Ben
A man hoping to turn something he's good at into a career. I'm ready and able to work with just about any voice at my disposal. I always put as much passion and care into any role I'm put in, no matter how large or small in importance to a project.
Classes taken back in high school in 2018 and 2019. Helped to hone my beginning theatrical and singing skills.
Acting 101, Acting for TV and Film, The Audition Process
Acting classes both basic and for TV and Film that have helped me grow as an actor, all thanks to the most wonderful professor I could ask for. If you ever need a recommendation for whether an actor is good or fit for the role, you can trust Bobby.
Prices are always negotiable, and if I audition for a free project, I don't expect to be paid, that would be incredibly rude.
I am looking for any projects that can hone my skills in providing realistic emotions for characters.