
Joined Aug 2023 2 Following0 Followers
About rose!!

My name is Rose, and I work as a voice actor, writer, and translyricist.

About voice acting..
~ I've been voice acting for a full year.
~ I'm currently casted in 11 projects, mainly fandubs.
~ My pitch range goes from slightly low-pitched to high-pitched.

About writing..
~ I've been writing for over 5 years, but I've only started working as a writer for a full year.
~ I'm currently casted in 10 projects, mainly Fanganronpas.
~ I typically work with scriptwriting and writing character descriptions/lore.


About translyrics..

~ I've been making translyrics for half a year.

~ I'm currently casted in 4 projects, exclusively fandubs.

~ I work with deadlines very differently depending on my motivation to work on the song, but I generally take 1-2 weeks to fully complete a song.

Want to contact me for work/more info? DM me at [@explosion.exe#1122]!