Emily C A Snyder

Emily C A Snyder

Joined Apr 2021 0 Following0 Followers
About Emily C A Snyder

Emily C. A. Snyder is a voice over artist, specializing in character roles.  She has a background in Shakespeare and musical theatre, having performed from Stratford-upon-Avon to New York City.

Recent Audio Projects:


"Lara Montez" for Tim Sheinman's Copy? Right! video game


Countess Olivia in "Twelfth Night" for ChopBard Productions
Cordelia in "King Lear" for ChopBard Productions
Caitlin O'Sullivan in "The Ghostship Mysteries" from The Boston Metaphysical Society
Flick (Lead) in Fiona Thraille's Upstairs Upstairs for the 11th Hour Productions Challenge/Dashing Onions Audio

Presidential Lawyer in "Conspiracy" from Tim Scheinman Video Games
Ruth Bader Ginsberg in "This Is Your Prez" from RadioCOTE



Rosa Kranz and Gilda Stern Aren't Dead presented by Quirky Voice Presents, produced by and starring Sarah Golding