

Joined Oct 2021 3 Following6 Followers
About Katcold

Hello! You can call me El, I go by she/her but I really couldnt care less if you reffered to me something else. Im mainly a young voice actor but ive been trying to improve in animating! As well as I have been an drawing for my entire life, though I dont do much with my art. I am trying to get properly into voice acting, with improvements and more. Ive been a voice actor for about a year now!

Im a female with a quite masculine voice. I can do medium, mostly high male voices (such as a young boy), and medium-low female voices, as well as nonbinary, etc. Though, I've have been casted as male roles way more than a female ones which is ironic, but also rather reasonable.

Im open to any projects! Feel free to ask if needed, I'll take any role.

Age range: 15-17


Discord: ellalbatros#9571

Youtube: Katcold

  • @thisisanacc

    I am unsure if I've already sent a recommendation but El is such a skilled VA! She always gets her lines to me very quickly and I couldn't be happier to have them working on my project. Would 100% recommend.