

sunnie medina

Joined Jul 2022 1 Following0 Followers
About sunnie

thanks for checking out my profile! check my interests and skills for an idea of what i can do! feel free to message me about any specific characters/fandoms you want me to VA for!

more info about me ⤵

VA is a big dream career of mine, and i want to voice as many female/young characters before i start HRT! i plan to start testosterone around 18 years old so im starting now (high school)!

ive been an actor for 6 years and singing for 8 (mezzo and tenor). i'd say im personally a better actor but im not at all bad at singing.

i play a ton of RPGs with my friends and cousins, in which im constantly voicing characters. i take great pride in my pronunciation and large vocal range.

i cosplay and do art as well! art and commissions are on my instagram, and cosplays are found on my tiktok.

he/him -- @sunspriite twt & tblr & dc

What sunnie is looking for

check interests and skills !