

Joined Feb 2021 1 Following1 Followers
About dvu0125

Hi there, I'm an Asian American Young Adult Voiceover Artist based on the east coast of the United States. I am fairly new to the voice acting community but would love to connect with you!

My discord is david!#0001 and my DMs are closed but feel free to send me a friend request and I will gladly accept!

  • @abitat

    Let me be the first to recommend David for your project. Now David may be a newcomer to the VA community, but do NOT let that put you off. This guy has talent, passion and a dedicated drive to succeed and excel in his work. He is especially receptive to feedback, packs in the passion and emotion behind his lines and really steps into the shoes of his character to deliver a stellar performance. From experience, he does amazing gruff guy voices, able to get those vocal cords working with yelling and cursing, but also do softer more caring tones too. Additionally, he's friendly and supportive of fellow cast and crew members, making him a great asset to have to your team. It was due to this that led to us ultimately casting him as Fetch, one of the supporting party members in our project. In summary, I 110% recommend David for your project. You won't regret it!