

My Main Website: https://drocknation123.wixsite.com/derrick-alix-art-porI mostly do animations, but I also like voice acting too C: Still learning, but I’m eager to help where I can! 

Joined Sep 2018 1 Following1 Followers
About DRockNation

Loves voice acting. Really good range. Can hit high/low notes, can perform accents, and impersonations such as celebrities and cartoon characters. All-around low tone. Acting is good depending on direction and emphasis.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@DRockNation/featured

Demos & Samples
DROCKNATION Interactive Voice Reel
animation/charactervideogamelive action dubbingadultanimationanimefilmmovie trailervideo gametelevisionfunnyyounggeneralcommercialradio dramacartoonfandubnarrationoverdubwarmradiostoryboard demo

A collection of auditions I took that showcases a few of my abilities.

What DRockNation is looking for

Just a fun time to hear my voice in other people's projects. My real motif is to build more confidence in myself after one too many laudations from my peers.

I'll take on just about anything; games, movies, dubs, cartoons, anime- I want to try them all!