Coolest Nerd, Sexiest Geek

Coolest Nerd, Sexiest Geek

Joined Jan 2023 4 Following1 Followers
The Art of Voice - 2017

Voice Acting 101

Instructed by Steve Harris

I had a blast learning the ropes from Steve Harris. He taught me how to navigate the industry and helped me record my first demo. 

Morgan State University - 2009

Communication Studies

Instructed by Dr. Eric Durham

I studied under the great Dr. Eric Durham. He taught me the importance of effective communication. 


Pricing varies on project. I'm flexible and I love negotiate.

What Coolest Nerd, Sexiest Geek is looking for

I have been getting my voice into everything from Commericals to Audio Dramas and everything in between. My main goal is to get a recurring principal role as a character in a prominient Video Game and Animation. Another one of my goals is to be a Narrator for National Geographics and Discovery channel. I joined Casting Call Club to expand my horizon and diversify my portifolio. Plus it's a chance to meet new creators and artists who can help me sharpen my skills and talents.

Peace & Love