

I could be online even as you're reading this...

Joined Jun 2020 1 Following1 Followers
About Fav_Buzzkill

Hi There,

My name is Steven (He/Him) and I am an aspiring voice actor working out of Indiana. I am personable, hardworking, and I have a dry sense of humor. I think my natural voice best lends itself to narration but I am always down to clown with a character voice. I prefer original works to fan projects. Feel free to message me on any platform, I'd love to hear what you have to talk about. 

Ball State University - 2022

Bachelors in Theatre

Instructed by

4-year Undergraduate degree in Theatre with an emphasis in Sound Design and Arts Management

What Fav_Buzzkill is looking for

Original Works preferred. Currently working towards making a Demo Reel.