David Janny

David Janny

Male 24 voice actor hobbyist 

Joined Dec 2021 0 Following1 Followers
About David Janny

Hi im David, Since the young age of 16 I have worked on several personal projects in doing so I have developed skills such as Voice acting, Creating music pieces and time editing content. In almost all cases i have abandoned these projects but come back with new ideas and further developed skills time and time again i almost always abandoned these. it was upon realising that the passion and true intention of this hobby after many years was to be able work with others to help their projects become a reality and be part of a collaborative team. while i have had no professional experience i feel i can truly lend my knowledge to others, So if you are looking for someone who is truly enthusiastic to help others projects come to life please do not hesitate to get in touch.


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What David Janny is looking for

i am very passionate about video game projects and video projects and would love to help your vision be truly realised