Fantasy Trigger

Fantasy Trigger

Welcome to the Official CCC page of Fantasy Trigger!

Joined Feb 2021 5 Following0 Followers
About Fantasy Trigger

Here at Fantasy Trigger, we produce lots of Touhou-related content, with some Persona content on the side. If you'd wish to get in touch with us, we're mainly on the Fantasy Trigger Discord Server


We here at Fantasy Trigger do non-profit work. We do not receive income for our projects, everything we do here is for fun and we expect those who join us on our projects to have the same mindset of doing these things for fun, not for pay.

What Fantasy Trigger is looking for

As of right now, we here at Fantasy Trigger work mostly on Voiceovers of Touhou-related comics, fandubs other things, along with a small bit of Persona stuff on the side.

We here at Fantasy Trigger expect people willing to join in on the content we produce for fun. We also hope you'll consider staying around for the long run to participate in other projects we make. And we don't expect fame, money, or anything of the sort out of this, we just wish to have fun, producing content we love.