The Runaway 8 Files - Rocky


Rifle toting Officers - Steven Shay

The story follows 8 kids trapped in a nightmare city full of people who believe perfection is the key to life. Every antagonist represents some sort of childhood fear or monster and every member of 8 rebel against the perfect city's twisted ways of thinking - where if you're not perfect, you are killed. This includes not being 100% human, being ill-mannered, or simply being clumsy. The series a 16 year old cyborg who is continuously haunted by nightmares involving her past and a monstrous child killer who works under the city's orders of kidnapping and killing imperfect children. The town is anachronistically stuck in the 1950s but the current year is 2038 - believing that was the "Golden Age" and the 1960s and beyond do not exist in their world. It is up to the 8 children to stop the city's cruel tyranny and bring peace to the world once more.