Court Jester Productions

Court Jester Productions

Joined Jun 2020 48 Following40 Followers
About Court Jester Productions

Court Jester Productions is an Online Indie Animation Production & Distribution Company with the sole purpose to provide original animated content that people will enjoy.

If you wanna help support the content that we plan on putting out, please consider donating to our Patreon and Ko-Fi.

  • @faith_monique17

    I have known Court since I asked if I could change the line for Purple in his project "Colours of the Rainbow" as it was repetitive. Ever since that day we've become very close. He's my best friend and like a brother to me. He's very creative and so talented. He one day wishes to make his company a reality, Court Jester Productions. I want to help him make this dream a reality. He's had to deal with people leaving projects for many reasons, most being time management and others... more hurtful. I've stuck with him through these times and I will continue doing so. He's amazing and very creative and I'd recommend joining in his projects and following him on twitter for more information on stuff (@CourtJesterPro). He's extraordinary and is the best thing that happened to me during Covid. I love him very much and I'm so proud. Keep going Court and make your dreams become a reality because I believe in you!

  • @landon-warner

    If you're looking for someone to cast People this group is the Answer