Cloud! ☀︎

Cloud! ☀︎

hiya! it's cloud kline! i draw, write, and act pretty well! if you ever need me, feel free to message!

Joined May 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Cloud! ☀︎

< hiya! who am i? >

I'm Cloud Kline, a non-binary, aspiring voice actor from Denver! I am a huge beginner and want some more opportunities to grow! I've been singing for 15 years and acting for much less than that, but I'm always willing to learn! Most of my experience comes from stage performances and musicals!

Make sure to check out for more info!

< typecast and ages! >

I work best with girl ranges like

  • Valley girls/teenagers

  • Young girls

  • Children

And have experience with these accents!

  • American/Southern American

  • "Valley girl"/Californian

  • "Silver Spoon" British/Southern English

  • Cockney

  • Welsh

< can you contact me? >

Of course! I have an instagram @bleeding.ichor , and a discord @cloudedichor ! I currently don't have a demo reel up, but I'll update when I do!