

"The universe is a celebration. A fireworks show to celebrate that existence is. Everybody is fundamentally, the ultimate reality. Only you're pretending your not." - Alan Watts

Joined Jun 2021 15 Following12 Followers
About ClickCanSpeak

Why Henlo there! Welcome to my Profile where I post every single submission and fuel my crippling need to speak with a different voice. However I do other things as well! You see I'm currently working on a few original short stories before getting into the nitty gritty big one that I've been wanting to do for a while. And the bonus of being a voice actor with this in mind is I can do my own audiobook hehe. THAT BEING SAID. I also co write some pretty noice and spicy abridged things coming up. As well as Fanganronpa executions!

Anywhooooo If you're here because of a submission of mine, Welcome! As you can see from my audition(s) I have quite the range when it comes to voices and will shoot for the stars! Paid or unpaid. There is no such thing as an 'upcoming voice actor'. There is only a Voice Actor. And that? Is what I am.
