Hi there! My name is Katie, and I'm looking to get my foot in the door of the voice-acting industry! I am a 32-year-old trans woman, and I believe my identity as trans offers the ability for deeper, more male-sounding voices if need be! I am, however, also able to make my voice sound feminine, and those are the sort of roles I have more interest in, but I'm not picky. I would like to be completely transparent: I have no prior experience in the industry, save for some voice impressions on my Twitch channel and a few school projects. However, I have been told I have a knack for it, and this is my opportunity to take that advice finally. I am exceptional at a few impressions, for example, like Mickey Mouse, Hank Hill, and other characters!
I am also greatly interested in gaming, movies, and fictional work. I am currently writing my own story, and I have a history in the journalism industry, including a bachelor's in journalism and some freelance work for IGN and NintendoEnthusiast. Currently, I am paying the bills as a shift manager at Starbucks, and I regularly create fashion and video content on my Twitter and Youtube channels.
I currently want experience, and will likely take most jobs for free
Fictional voice work
Gaming voice works
Fan projects
Opinion Pieces