Casee Wilson

Casee Wilson

Friendly aspiring voice actor, experienced singer-songwriter and producer. Likes gin.

Joined Jan 2023 0 Following0 Followers
About Casee Wilson

I've been writing and releasing my own music since 2010, both as a singer-songwriter and as a producer of gothic synth-pop under the name Echoes of Aphelion. I've always had a secret love of acting though, and accidentally found myself auditioning for, and getting a part in, a new project called Ankorr643 towards the end of last year (you know how it is, there you are, minding your own business, and then you fall into a mic and record some lines and before you know it you're playing a demented linguistics professor in a dystopian domed city of the future. I mean, it's happened to all of us, right?).

Well, the bug's got me good now, I quit my job (really, it was the best thing) and I'm gobbling up as many courses and resources as I can find to help me learn how to become vaguely competent at this! If you are looking for a neutral British voice, or a general west coast American accent, I've got you covered. My day job was as an English teacher, so I can do instructional, conversational, warm, relaxed and a little cheeky. I may be able to add to this as I go on, but as I'm just a beginner, I think that will do for now! Get in touch if you have a project you think I'd suit - I'll be happy to hear from you. 

SkillShare - 2023

The Foundations of Voiceover - Voice Acting Essentials

Instructed by Christopher Tester