
Joined Sep 2021 1 Following0 Followers

My handle is BRAWLSAKK but you can refer to me as Brawl for short. 

I have little to no experience with actually voice acting, however I would consider myself pretty decent at the craft for someone with my amount of experience in the field. I personally think I specialize in characters with slightly deeper voices and guttural growls. Macho characters are usually my favorite. Good examples of the archetype I am referring to are:

  • -Franky (One Piece)
    -Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)

  • -Tanaka (Haikyuu)

  • -Daigo Aoki (Food Wars)

I am most proud of my ability to perform most of the cast from Yugioh The Abridged Series, including Yami Yugi, Duke Devlin, Tristan Taylor, Joey Wheeler, Pegasus, Dartz, Raphael, Seto Kaiba (debatably?), Alister, Valon, Serenity Wheeler, Old Mai Valentine, Marik Ishtar, Evil Bakura, Nesbit, Crump, and Hudson. There may be more, but those are all I can think of at the time of me writing this. I'd also like to point out that those are all the ones I know I can do from base Yugioh Abridged. I can do some characters from GX abridged as well.

As for singing, I prefer to use my ability to perform said guttural growls to perform Thrash Metal, certain rock songs, and I personally think I am pretty good at Rap. 

My most experience comes in art, but I strictly do traditional. I like character design the most, but who doesn't these days right?