Profeshinal Voice Acter

Profeshinal Voice Acter

Hi can I take your order?

Joined May 2016 2 Following0 Followers
About Profeshinal Voice Acter

If I auditioned for your project, your project is REALLY cool.

Thanks for checking me out.

I've been acting for over 10 years. I make a living of it now in Los Angeles *insert sparkles here*

  • @Chan-White

    I highly recommend this exceptional goober for any project you’re working on. Brandon is a true master of their craft, a person who takes great pride in the fine art of goobing out. If your project calls for a generous dose of goober expertise, look no further—Brandon is, without question, the most goobacious individual to ever bring their unique brand of goob to the table. Trust me, your project will never be more goobed!