

Hi! My name's Bran, and I'm a voice actor and artist. I love character acting on stage and behind mic for theater, games, and animations. I also have experience reading commercial/ad copy, and some light narration.

Joined Jun 2024 1 Following1 Followers
About brand0moniumVO

I absolutely love bringing characters to life in unique and vibrant ways. I've delved deep into studying human behavior, personality archetypes, and mannerisms, looking through both acting and psychological lenses. This not only helps me better understand humanity and how we navigate through life, but it also allows me to create characters that feel real and relatable, with a rich backstory that goes beyond just the words they speak in the script.

Just like real people, every character has their own set of loves, hates, fears, desires, goals... hell, even a favorite food that might not be mentioned in their dialogue or in their direction. I believe that it's these intricate layers of humanity that truly bring a character to life, so I make a point to explore these nuances and dive into the deeper aspects of their personality. To me, a bigger picture is made up of thousands of little details, and life, the really interesting stuff anyway, is found in those details.

Drawing from my own diverse life experiences and the myriad of intriguing individuals I've met along the way working primarily in customer service and the trades, I strive to create characters that are first grounded in reality. I draw a lot of inspiration from a variety of media sources like cartoons, games, movies, anime and music, to incorporate vocal distortions, affectations, mannerisms, accents and dialects, and other characteristics, spun with my personal twist, to make each character unforgettable.

Need a no-nonsense officer who follows orders to the letter, but might have deeper internal conflicts going on? I got you, soldier.
Want a country-fried, cab driving zombie trying to survive in post-apocalyptic New York? You betcha, hun. Where we headin'?
Need a benevolent and well-loved lordling who's secretly a dragon running an underground cult with plans to overthrow the church? I havest thou, oh noble dragon lord!
Need a snarky computer to questionably navigate a player through a puzzle filled spaceship that just so happens to also be full of aliens? cmd\run:IVEGOTYOU.exe

In the end, my goal is to make your character exclaim to the heavens and hells that they have lived and breathed a full and vivid life in their own world.

And in cased you wondered at all, my favorite food is soup. All soups. Well, I should say most soups. It's just a great all around meal that's easy to make and eat and they're usually full of delicious things!

Voice One - San Francisco - 2020

Commercial: Breaking it Down

Instructed by Sally Clawson

From the website: "Assess commercial copy at a glance by breaking down the script into common copywriting themes, rules you should recognize, and writing hints that reveal the unique message every commercial script contains. Once you develop the technical muscularity required by commercial copy, you'll feel confident enough to tackle any VO script.

Voice Once - San Francisco - 2020

Commercial Styles

Instructed by Sally Clawson

From the website: "This class helps you identify and deliver different styles of commercial VO: Taglines, Retail, Spokesperson, Real Person and more. You'll learn how to determine the style and how to adjust your timing, rhythm, and energy to match the script."

Voice One - San Francisco - 2024

Commercial Challenges

Instructed by Zehra Fazal

An advanced Commercial VO course that tackles specific challenges around building a believable and relatable read.

Voice One - San Francisco - 2024

Demo Prep Series

Instructed by Sally Clawson and Christy Summers

The comprehensive Demo Prep series consists of five sequential classes designed to prepare you for what comes before, during, and after you record your demo.
Your Voice Print: Defining our individual voice print
Branding, Make Your Mark: Where we learned how to build a brand around our voice print
Purposeful Self-Promotion: Where we learned how to find and market to specific groups looking for our specific brand and voice print
Branding, Website: Using knowledge gained form the three previous classes to build a successful website
Preparing for Your Demo: Getting everything together and planning out the who/what/where/when/why/how of getting a final demo recorded