

Joined Oct 2021 0 Following0 Followers
About BlackAnthem

About me:

I've recently begun to dabble into my artsy side and actually do something with it. Stage name is BlackAnthem, I've always had an appreciation for music and even though I bought FL Studio waaaay back, I finally decided to sit down and learn the program through YouTube University and pumped out my first song back in May of 2021. May not be the most polished piece out there, but I enjoyed making it a lot. Outside of music, I got a newfound appreciation for voice acting after a meet and greet with Brianna Knickerbocker in my local pop shop (she's the English voice actor of Rem from Re:Zero and Hu Tao from Genshin).

About my vocals:
-I have a pretty baritone, deep voice, but I can also touch on mid-ranged vocals as well. I personally see my voice fitting fictional characters such as Archer from Fate/Stay Night or Mikoto Suho from K; Return of Kings.
-I'm also pretty familiar with things like equalization (to reduce the "mud" from vocals) and compression (to make the volume levels consistent).

Other junk:

Time zone: Pacific Standard Time
SoundCloud: (I'm on that sad boy stuff :'])
Discord: BlackAnthem#2657