

i hate the unity game engine <3

Joined Mar 2018 4 Following5 Followers
About Bl4aze

Hi! im a dude who loves to just voice act for fun and create video games in unity :)


Right now im not looking for money out of voice acting. Maybe in the future, if I decide I like doing it as a career? For now you can make millions off my voice and i wouldn't care too much hehe

What Bl4aze is looking for

I'm looking to further my little hobby of voice acting. I've always had a talent I've felt at least for voicing characters and making impressions. I really wanna have fun with it all! Voice acting for me is less of a job and more of something i do as a side project. Id love to become more confident with my voice though! and voice acting is one way that i can become a more vocally strong person (if thats a real thing hehe) 

Im also looking for a community of people to connect with. Beyond even just voice actors. Creative minds and talented people are what i love to be around. I create video games and having people who share the same creative process as me makes me feel at home.

  • @blazeplexer

    Good guy helped me with some voice work