Ciel Gummyhive
Hello! My name is Ciel, and I am a voice actor looking for work! Feel free to message me here or on Discord if you want to cast me or have me audition for your project (I may or may not accept or decline, thanks). I have a valid Californian workers permit for someone under 18! I love bringing projects to life.
As of now building credits is my main focus.
Mainly looking for games and animation! The occasional idoly fandub never hurts though!
Ciel impressed not just me, but everyone when I showed them her part as Kanna Kizuchi in my Cover of "Meet The Cast"! She really puts the word "acting" into voice acting. The pure emotion and vocal performance added a lot to the Cover as a whole. She definitely can sing! Check her stuff out and cast her, if she auditions for your project!!