Justin Lam
Wsp! I'm Justin, a 2D animator born and raised in Queens, NY. I specialize in FX animation, background design, and graphic design! ッ
I am a senior at SVA (School of Visual Arts), finishing my BFA Animation (Honors) degree.
Currently, I am working on my Thesis Animated Film in which I am looking for a Composer / Sound Designer! For more details on these positions, please visit the project page!
My website: art2justin.com
You can best reach me on Insta! @artj2ustin
All prices are listed on their project page!
Looking for a Composer for my Thesis Animated Film!
- Project Page
- Film Score - Composer Auditions [PRIORITY]
- Echo Narrotors - VO Auditions [OPEN]
Also check out these very epic casting calls
@rainby // [CLOSED] You're Electrifying, Lovebug!
@JoLoFa // [CLOSED] Bacteria Looks Up
@Penwagon // [CLOSED] LONE WOLF
@pumpkav // [CLOSED] Leaving the Nest
@tvanbeever // [CLOSED] Animated Thesis
@wr4ith_town // [CLOSED] LOKUST
@mlutochir // [CLOSED] Dawning Days