

was literally born to create

Joined Apr 2024 2 Following14 Followers
About AsiosBlastoff

hey, im aristotle/athanasios.

I'm a young writer who is very passionate about storytelling.

my current projects are the serpent archives & a funny musical im making with a friend about a guy who accidentally commits matricide and the priest who bought him Doritos several years prior


imagine being at the peak of the heros journey, reaching penultimate spiritual enlightment, feeling the lord's power pulsing through your veins having finally achieved safety at last through a fearful, daunting journey with the blood of demons and an astaroth incarnate so abundant that the scarlet seeping into your beaten, weathered priestly attire drips down your skin and some random tumblrite in like college or something - barely older than the girl you failed to save - screenshots the scene and puts glittery picsart kawaii filters over you with some dandy fine little text reading a phrase like "good morning!" or "baby girl!"


they/she, lesbian