

Flautist (8 Years of playing), Bari-sax and Bass Guitarist (Both 1 year). Aspiring to do voice acting! Also a decent video editor

Joined Dec 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Zovixi

I've been playing the flute for around 8 years, and the bari-sax and bass guitar for around 1 year each. I am looking to do voice acting to improve my ability to voice act, and I am willing to experiment!

I also do video editing for most styles.

Demos & Samples
Gaming clip compilation

Fully edited by me. (Primarily just music and cutting, so rather simple, but still)

What Zovixi is looking for

I want to do voice acting and flute work. Voice acting because I just want to have more control over my voice and flute work so I can share my skills and get better as I play more (and hearing any of my work in any kind of production would be just wonderful!)