Zac Blink
Zac Blink
@ZacBurrI'm like Hugh Jackman if he was an awkard teenager and had nothing in common with Hugh Jackman.
Hey, howdy, hi, various other greetings, my name is Zac. I'm 18, live Australia, and have a passion for acting and filmaking. My pronouns are he/him and I look forward to working with you all.
Don't get hit by a car <3
I dunno, "Chicago/Little Red Riding hood but Australian?"
Yeah, That's right, I take drama as an elective in high school. Pretty cool right?
Like most people I don't mind a bit of extra cash, but I'll gladly do some roles just for the fun of it.
Pretty much anything that's fun, pays well, or that I think I'd be a good fit for. Also for the love of god I will not be doing a single gacha life related project.