

Joined Jan 2024 18 Following12 Followers
About Yeuri

Hello! I'm Yeurimaru but Yeuri for short. I am a novice voice actor. I am determined to get better at voice acting. I actually can’t get paid for any roles that I get but just having the role is enough for me. Most of the time my schedule is open so feel free to add my discord. I’ll message you as soon as I can!

Discord - yeurimaru

  • @KiePen

    Yeuri is an absolutely astounding voice actor. They have a lot of spunk that contributes to their amazing lines- I'm always extremely impressed by the quality they send in and the energy they bring to the workplace. It's been amazing working with them. They truly are an extremely valuable part of my team and cast and I hope to continue working with them in the future.

  • @defnotjayy

    I have known Yeuri for a few years now. In that time, I have seen her grow into a hardworking, passionate, and determined person who has been exploring the world of VA. Although not a voice actor myself, I can proudly say that her drive and her resolve to do her best are truly some of her many amazing qualities. In addition, her willingness to learn and grow makes her reliable and great to work with. Definitely someone you would want on your team! Not to mention, her cheerful and benevolent personality. Bringing in nothing but a welcoming and enthusiastic vibe to the room, while also keeping her cool depending on the situation.

     Now I could go on about how amazing my girl Yeuri is...but I'd rather let you be the judge.