

Hello! I'm a college student who majors in Chemical Engineering, but I'm also a haunt actor. So what I'm saying is that I've got range lol

Joined Nov 2023 0 Following1 Followers
About Whackjob

Hello once again! If you're looking at this it's probably because you wanna know more about me so I guess I'll sum me up. Basically I liked to make funny voices and faces in my mirror to the point where I now wanna do it as a hobby online I guess. Gotta have something fun to do to make up for all the time spent learning thermodynamics and other not fun physics type classes.


Right now I'm doing this for fun, hw venting, and experience so probably pretty cheap.

What Whackjob is looking for

Anything really, I'm doing this to build up some skill because I learn best from just sticking my face first into something. Small animation projects on youtube always made me crack up laughing, so that would be pretty fun to give my voice to. Eventually I would like to be able to take on even bigger jobs and projects whilst taking care of my needs with chemical engineering money. Basically I want voice acting to be my hobby for life just like theatre acting was for me in highschool and how haunt acting is my hobby during college.