JMoznette_Vocal Mosaics

JMoznette_Vocal Mosaics

Joanna Moznette has a warm and confident natural voice, and enjoys crafting unique voices for characters. Character samples are available by request.
She welcomes the opportunity to partner in highlighting your stories, products, services, and philanthropic efforts.

Joined Sep 2022 9 Following17 Followers
About JMoznette_Vocal Mosaics

Joanna Moznette is a confident voice talent with the ability to move between voice variations that bring interest and impact to projects across genres. She will devote her energy to building trust and creating an enjoyable partnership. Her life and professional experience in STEM and public administration has granted her the benefits of adaptability, resourcefulness, and strong collaboration skills.
Her home studio allows her the flexibility to respond to project invitations and requests quickly. You can listen to her demos, home studio sample, and excerpts of her work at

Such a Voice - 2022

Voice Over Master Class

Instructed by Guy Arledge

Six-hour group course that covered various aspects of voice acting and included group critique during exercises that focused on emotion, intonation, and growing your vocal range.

Such a Voice - 2021

Home Studio training

Instructed by Ben Marney

One-on-one and group training across years with continued access to masterclass content on a weekly basis.

Such a Voice - 2021

1-on-1 Technique Coaching

Instructed by Jessi Keenan

Challenge and coaching sessions every other week with Jessi Keenan beginning in fall 2021 and extending into 2022.

Such a Voice - 2022

Animation Webinar

Instructed by Evan Lacon

Two-hour webinar facilitated by Evan Lacon that included a panel of voice actors demonstrating technique, voice variation and improv. Content also included a Q&A session with the panel and activities intended to showcase the unique requirements and opportunities of animation work.

Such a Voice - 2022

Voiceover Success Marketing

Instructed by Pamela Muldoon

Eight-week course regarding marketing techniques for the voiceover field.

Such a Voice - 2023

Rocking Your Character Creation: A Toolkit

Instructed by Karen-Eileen Gordon

90-minutes, interactive, group workshop wherein we learned more about where to draw inspiration for character voices from, played with two newly created voices, and got feedback

Such a Voice - 2023

Improv (on-going)

Instructed by Tim Powers

90-minute group, interactive workshops to enhance short-form improv, listening, and quick-thinking skills while overcoming inhibitions and self-censorship

Strawberry Hill Music - 2023

Ask Austin Audio

Instructed by Austin Coffee

90-minute webinar regarding sound optimization and audio editing.

Jessi Keenan - 2023

Finding Your Natural Voice Through Flow Phonation

Instructed by Jessi Keenan

90-minute, interactive webinar regarding voice care, warm-up, and performance.


Independent Works
See Voice Acting Club rate guide:

Rates can be quoted by hour, line, or word.

Other Works
See Global Voice Acting Academy Rate Guide:

Rates vary by genre and are based on turnaround time, market (local, regional, national, international), and duration of runt time.

What JMoznette_Vocal Mosaics is looking for

I enjoy supporting a variety of projects. I look for audio dramas & novels, animated works & comics, commercials, PSAs, training & e-learning projects, non-profit campaigns, and opportunities to narrate short works.