

uh auditioning era be like

Joined Jan 2022 30 Following72 Followers
About Bunnixe


Things you should know

I don't do voice acting often, but when I find it cool enough. I might audition! Another really important thing is I usually look at auditions very late since I have a life? Another thing is I enjoy talking to other, like be active on discord... If you not, then idk i can't do anything about you having a life... also I love genshin, but am a lucky F2P lol...

Requirements ❤ 

-Main requirements are that your 10+. Another requirement you ask meant is that you have self-control, and you have discord. Things like cursing and making no friendly jokes, in the team server 

About me ❤ 

Am a minor, who makes " jokes " <33. I mainly somehow ONLY attract fake or lunchbox friends. So, I don't have many friendships that last long, so I am starting to look for more online friends. So, my discord is Bunnixe#7675, don't worry, I don't bite....


I don't charge anything, but some credit would be really nice, you know! Also all my projects are just for fun, so please not expect any type of payment except for stepping a little out your comfort zone ...idk if that's a good thing...

What Bunnixe is looking for

Am not to much of a person who voice acts myself, but I love to work on gacha stuff! Plus, I dont look for editors, just someone people to do art and writer ... and of course voice act!