Tom Glasmann

Tom Glasmann

Hi my name is Tom Glasmann! I've been a voice actor for about a year or two now, and I am currently studying acting in college. I've always dreamed of being a voice actor, and its always a pleasure to work on exciting new projects. I hope to work with you soon! Thanks, and reach me at

Joined Feb 2023 3 Following0 Followers
University of Utah - 2023

Year 1 Actor Training Program

Instructed by Robert Scott Smith
  • @cu-na-saoirse

    What can I say about Tom Glasmann? Well, I'll tell you. Tom Glasmann approached me for a Fallout: New Vegas modding project titled Encounters of The Mojave. I took them on, and they performed astoundingly. With a quick turnaround, amazing performance, and a friendly demeanor, I highly recommend them to anyone they approach, and I look forward to future collaborations with them!
