Third Eye 06
Third Eye 06
@ThirdEye06I love acting! Be it voice acting, stage acting, or camera acting, I'll do my darndest to be an amazing actor! I learn quick too, which helps TONS.
Heyo! I am Third Eye, (real-name Dorian)
I'm someone who has got a good sense of humor; give me enough time, I'll manage to make you laugh.
Acting is my passion, and I'll always try something new. I'm friendly as well, and can probably strike up a conversation.
Some of my favorite roles I've played in theater productions are:
Scarecrow (Wizard of Oz)
Ephrain Salas (Trap)
Jack Kelly (Newsies)
Hector (Greek Mythology Olympiaganza)
Mr.Krabs (Spongebob Musical)
Ghost of Christmas Present (A Christmas Carol)
Mr.Krabs (Spongebob Musical)
Phone Guy (Subterranean Silence)
Wallace Walrus (Cold Broadcast)
Used for some angrier characters; a fun read
Honestly, I'll take what I can get; and if the most I get is experience, so be it :]
Anything; I would really love to get into some horror at the end of the day, but who knows? I can do whatever is needed of me :]