

Storyteller with a heart of gold

Joined Feb 2024 0 Following0 Followers
About Tanos

I am a 42 year old born and raised in Sweden and currently living there as well. If i have to describe myself with one word it would be Storyteller. I have told stories from the day i could talk. Most of my Storytelling have been as a forver DM for tabletop RPGs. But i am also working as Narrative designer for Streiff Studio that is a small indie studio started by me and a good friend.

Kristinehamns Folk high school's general courses. - 2021

Creating worlds

Instructed by

A course in creating worlds and general writing for novels or games

Kristinehamns Folk high school's general courses. - 2024

Writing for games

Instructed by

A more specialized course in how to write for games.

What Tanos is looking for

I want to write. That makes me happy.