

Heya!! I'm Skittle, a teenage amateur voice actor and artist!! I'm self taught, with a majority of my skill lying in the Danganronpa franchise and similar games. 

Joined Oct 2024 2 Following1 Followers
About Skittle/Alan

Basic Information:

Online Persona- Skittle

Name- Alan or Sofi

They/Them and Pansexual

High-functioning autistic

Currently hyperfixated on Danganronpa

I'm in the Central Daylight Timezone

I have experience with voice acting and sprite art for several different fangans (fan-made Danganronpa games)

Other Information:

Discord: 'shitsnskittles'

My birthday is July 20th

I am a culinary student


I usually do volunteer work, or unpaid projects, as I see this more as a hobby than an actual job. Therefore, I find it unfair to charge people for bringing their ideas to life.

What Skittle/Alan is looking for

What I'm looking for in a place like this is to find a project I can truly be happy working on, such as one that I find very interesting, unique projects, and most importantly, projects people have wanted to bring to fruition but never could.