

Hi, I'm Mark!Find me on socials, I go buy either MarkDevil or MrfluffyballsIn a relationshipHeya! My name is Mark, I have been doing art for a few years now and I aspire to be an animator and illustrator in the future.

Joined Jun 2023 2 Following8 Followers
About MarkDevil

I do alot of things, you name it, I'd probably be able to do it, I'm currently working on a cartoon series about 4 teens and an alien thing, if you're interested, the page is "Ambitious (Pilot)"!

  • @ivan_ja3ger

    Mark is a very passionate and talented guy! He's always open to new approaches on his works and tries to include ideas of his colleagues and friends on the staff team. He's very friendly and always open to discussion and over the years I've been working as a voice actor (and co-writer) for him, the colleagueship has turned into a friendship and I'm proud to say he's the best guy I've ever worked with. When it comes to his works and projects, he's very thorough and ambitious (pun not intended) with what he does. Please consider work with him. - Ivan Hager, voice actor & co-writer of Ambitious

  • @endecision

    I am a writer for Ambitious. This show is going to have a lot put in to it and I have very high hopes for it. I hope you will consider auditioning. See you soon!