Randy Hernandez

Randy Hernandez

A voice actor that would love to help you make your project come to life!email: [email protected]Twitter: @randullhernando

Joined Sep 2023 2 Following2 Followers
About Randy Hernandez

Hello there! My name is Randy Hernandez (In case you missed my name at the top) and welcome to my profile! I'm a voice actor and eSports commentator, mainly for Tekken. I have an extensive theatre background which includes plays, staged readings, musicals, and children's theatre. I have also commentated gaming events for the Tekken World Tour and off circuit tournaments in the East Coast. More specifically in the Northeast Region of the United States. I have also done commissions and other various gigs in the fighting game community, mostly memes and whatnot. As for hobbies I like playing video games, dancing, and working out. Thanks for stopping by and I hope to work with you soon!

Rowan College of South Jersey - 2018

Associates of Performing Arts

Instructed by Deborah Bradshaw